Supercycle Workshops
First wave of workshops: Feb – May 2025
Leadership & Management
Motivation & Burnout
6 weeks
When individual initiative and motivation are sufficiently absent in a workplace, the environment can easily feel stagnant, bureaucratic, or straightforwardly dysfunctional — with familiar consequences for performance.
This module will explore individual, social, cultural, and structural relationships between motivation, burnout, and performance and strategies for bringing positive change to the workplace.
Instructor: Emily Dama
Human Relationships
8 weeks
Whether good or bad, professional or personal, relationships are inevitable. While bringing extra attention to the professional context, this module aims to help participants discover and articulate their basic relationship orientations and strategies, and uncover opportunities to improve the “relationship ecology” of their daily lives.
We will spend four weeks on understanding, participating in, and cultivating beneficial relationships, and four on understanding, managing, and pruning detrimental relationships (including boundary-setting and harm mitigation).
Instructor: Emily Dama
Personal Development
Retrospectives & Planning
3 weeks
Session 1: Telling the Story of the Year
Drawing inspiration from Jungian ideas of personal symbolism, we will seek to develop a set of symbols and narrative patterns or stories to describe the year just past.
Session 2: Aligning With How Things Actually Happen
We use 2024 to look for vivid examples of things that "actually happened" in a way quite different from how we expected they would. From those, we'll look for unrecognized or misunderstood causal mechanisms already acting in our lives, and then explore how to align with and potentially deploy these mechanisms more effectively in 2025.
Session 3: The Phenomenology of Uncertainty
This session will seek to bring the phenomenology of this boundary of knowing to life, starting by looking for major sources of uncertainty in the year to come, then looking back at the prior year for examples of what it was like to go through the learning process of unknown to known.
Instructor: Emily Dama
Rejuvenating Creativity
6 weeks
What does it mean to “have” creativity? Where does it go when it’s “gone”?
Through theory, structured inquiry, and phenomenological exploration, participants in this module will be encouraged to explore the relationships between creative and uncreative areas or phases of their lives, and develop strategies for reestablishing, or perhaps newly establishing, healthy contact and rapport with their deep sources of creativity.
Instructor: Emily Dama
Trauma and Self-Regulation
4 weeks
A short, practical introduction to trauma awareness, including regulatory approaches for managing and healing from trauma. While many techniques and therapies exist that can aid in trauma recovery and transformation, not everyone has the opportunity or inclination to seek professional help, and many people are capably managing trauma in their day-to-day lives.
This module will focus on these more day-to-day aspects and experiences of trauma. We will introduce a general theory of trauma from a nervous system or regulatory perspective, and then discuss regulatory resources, strategies, and techniques that can help with managing trauma when it comes up “in the wild”, either in one’s own experience or when interacting with others. Please note, this module is not offering a container for doing deep trauma work, and intends to take trauma seriously while not falling into alarmism.
Instructor: Emily Dama
Structure of Experience
4 weeks
If your goal was to improve your understanding of the structure and intricacies of your own experience, how would you go about it?
Phenomenological traditions in the West and East have come up with their own answers, approaches, and innumerable techniques for doing exactly this. In this module, we will explore different strategies for uncovering new information and ways of looking, describing, and non-coercively being with exactly your own experience.
Prior meditation experience is not required for this module but may give some indication of how exciting this area of interest is likely to be for you.
Instructor: Emily Dama
Section Title
Coaching Training
Modeling other minds
6 weeks
Knowing about the existence of the “typical mind fallacy”, as it’s called, doesn’t necessarily tell you how to make sense of the differences between your mind and that of another person. What can you do to meaningfully bridge the gap? How might you recognize when the bridge you thought you’d built doesn’t actually capture the important idiosyncratic detail of their experience after all? And if their experience turns out to be one you yourself have never had, how can you still make sense of it?
Using strategies based on analogy, resonance, and hypothesis-testing, among others, this module will explore ways of growing your understanding of other people and your capacity to empathize with them.
Instructor: Emily Dama
Perception in Business
6 weeks
The head game of “being in business” as any kind of life coach is fundamental to creating and sustaining your own practice. Figuring out how to present yourself in a way that is true to you, do good work with clients, and attract and retain clients to stay viable, all touch on critical questions of perception that influence nearly every corner of your practice.
Based on our experience training a cohort of potential life coaches, we have come to believe that this course is essential for potential and current coaches.
Instructor: Tee Barnett